March 1st Updates

Hello Jefferson Families,

Did you know longer periods of sleep each night can boost your child’s capacity for learning and attentiveness during instructional time? Author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Pediatrician Dr. Marc Weissbluth, says well-rested children have longer attention spans and better temperaments during their school day. How do you know if your child is getting adequate sleep each night to optimize their learning potential? The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) shares guidelines for how much sleep children need at different development stages. Quality sleep improves mental functioning in children, and it can also prevent health problems like obesity, headaches, and depression (ASSM).  

Parents, we encourage you to consider your child's need for a good night's rest. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) cites the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommendation for Elementary-aged children.  Children - 1st through 6th grade- benefit from 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night. The CDC advocates families can improve sleep quality and quantity by making a few simple changes. Parents can start by setting a consistent bedtime, even on the weekends. Also, turn off devices like tablets, laptops, gaming systems, and phones before going to bed and the CDC advises removing them from your child's bedroom. A few minor adjustments to your family's routine can make it possible for your child to get more rest each night, allowing for a refreshed start to a new school day.    

If you would like ideas and resources, please check your email for how one mom’s bedtime routine impacts her two children: How I Get My Kids to Sleep at 7 pm (Every Night!)

Wednesday and Thursday, March 3rd and 4th, will be asynchronous days for students.  All learning will be done from home for both face to face and virtual students.

Students MUST log into Canvas BOTH days and complete work published by staff in order to be marked present.  If students do not log in they will be marked ABSENT.  Teachers will be checking work each day and marking attendance accordingly.

Friday, March 5th is a regular Friday.  Students must log into their morning ZOOM for attendance and must complete work posted in Canvas.  Students who do not attend their morning zoom and/or complete work will be marked ABSENT.

Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have additional questions