Monday, March 8 Updates

This is Mr. Kinsey and here are your weekly announcements.

Have you ever Googled your child’s school? If so, you probably noticed a site called is the leading national nonprofit organization that provides school ratings and information to the education community.  I am happy to say that through the hard work of our students, our teaching staff, and your efforts at home, Jefferson Elementary’s  rating has moved from a 4 out of 10 which is below average to an above average score of 7 out of 10 over the last three years. This is a big deal for us as it shows not only how well our students are performing, but how well our community is doing. As many of you may know, school performance impacts property value and an overall sense of pride in the community. Kudos to you, our students, and our amazing staff.

Speaking of school and a sense of pride in them.  This May, specifically, May 4, voters in the South Redford School District will be asked to consider a bond proposal to address prioritized infrastructure upgrades for our schools and district sites, implement new and improved instructional technology, and create future-ready learning environments aimed at increasing student achievement and fostering a culture of college and workforce preparedness. The total amount of this bond proposal is close to $80 million equating to a ZERO increase projected over the 2020 debt millage rate.  Simply put, $80 million for school improvements with a zero increase in taxes.  Click here for visit the 2021 Bond Information Page for more information .

This Wednesday, March 10th from 6 - 8 p.m., Parent Action for Healthy Kids invites you to a special Talk Early & Talk Often event on Cyber Safety: Challenges of Digital Parenting.  This webinar for parents and supportive adults will cover cyberbullying, sexting, online predators/human trafficking, privacy and security, and the cybercrime laws. The featured speaker for this event will be Robin Batten, a specialist with years of experience in speaking to students and adults on ways to keep safe on the internet. The session will be moderated by Barb Flis, Founder of Parent Action for Healthy Kids.  Click here for more information.

Take good care and GO EAGLES!!